
CNR-Istituto LAMEL
A leading research institution, CNR-LAMEL has a very large experience in both transmission electron microscopy and in processes of the modern planar technology of silicon. It is the only participant of the consortium which has a strong experience in the field of the convergent beam electron diffraction (TEM/CBED) technique, which plays a dominant role in the STREAM project. CNR-LAMEL has the responsibility of the strain measurements and of further development of the methodology. CNR-LAMEL also acts as project-coordinator.
Contact persons:
Aldo Armigliato
Roberto Balboni
Stefano Frabboni

ST Microelectronics
A worldwide leading semiconductor manufacturer, STMicroelectronics is active in numerous collaborative research projects worldwide and plays a key role in Europe’s advanced technology research programs. As such, it has the full technological capabilities to design and fabricate the test structures which are required by the project, according to the 0.15 mm generation of CMOS processes for non volatile memories (NVM).
Contact persons:
Giampietro Carnevale
Giuseppe Pavia

A leading University team, IEMN-Dept.ISEN has a large experience in the development and application of process and device simulators. The 2D IMPACT program and the 3D DIFOX module have been developed by this team. Its role is to improve the physical models which are the basis of the simulators, in order to provide accurate tools which can predict the stress generated in the 0.15 mm generation of CMOS processes; this activity is strictly related to the experimental strain determination, performed by the project.
Contact persons:
Vincent Senez

Soft Imaging System
A worldwide leading company, SIS (Soft Imaging System) is specialist in the field of image analysis systems. SIS develops and sells systems for image analysis, processing and archiving. It participates in the project by developing a new software package for the automation of the TEM/CBED analysis, so that the whole procedure from pattern acquisition to strain tensor determination can be routinely performed.
Contact persons:
Vasant Desai
Tobias Schilling

University of Sheffield
The EEE Department of Sheffield University has large experience in the TEM materials characterisation. This group contributes to the project with a new TEM equipped with a field emission gun (TEM/FEG) which allows CBED patterns with a spatial resolution of 1 nm to be acquired, a key issue in the strain analysis of the 0.15 mm CMOS.
Contact persons:
Anthony G. Cullis
Alessandro Benedetti

A leading microelectronics research and development center, IMEC, specialised in the application of the micro-Raman spectroscopy technique to the study of local stresses in CMOS structures. Its role is to extend the applicability of this technique to the submicron range, checking the results obtained in this project by the TEM/CBED technique. Moreover, the simulation of these stresses using numerical and analytical models is performed.
Contact person:
Ingrid De Wolf

A leading research Institute of CNR, IESS main activity is devoted to applications of solid state physics and to the development and fabrication of electronic devices. Its role in the project is to develop a methodology based on synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques, to measure strain in the test structures realised during the project activity.
Contact person:
Stefano Lagomarsino

Università di Perugia
This leading University group of Perugia has large experience in the Brillouin Light Scattering technique, which is a powerful non-destructive method for the elastic characterisation of thin films and multilayered structures. Its role in the project is to provide accurate determination of the elastic constants in the different materials involved in the 0.15 mm CMOS structures.
Contact person:
Giovanni Carlotti